Whether it is termed infidelity, adultery or just a plain ol’ cheating spouse, the situations many people find themselves in are very much the same. Our experience in cases of infidelity at Valiant Private Investigators has taught us that the name a person chooses to use to define their situation is heavily influenced by their stage in life. We find this interesting because although the reasons may vary, the effect is usually the same; feelings of betrayal, hurt and sometimes unforgiveness. Over the years we have found that people who have children, are young and unmarried or are middle aged and over, have no problem using the term “cheating spouse” while others prefer more politically correct terminology.
Searching for Answers
People are always in search of answers and seeking this by private investigation is a common occurrence for both genders. Women tend to be more upfront, however, in this pursuit of information but will always insist that their matters are handled in a private and confidential manner. The opposite gender tends to act in a more emotionless or distant manner, often giving the impression that they are “just testing out” a theory, as if there should really be nothing to find. Pride tends to be more powerful in men than their ability to see what the truth may really be. Infidelity is not easy to accept by any means but the male ego makes this even more challenging.
Peace of Mind
In most cases, our clients are rarely only looking for the truth because the truth may not be easy to hear. What we’ve found that our clients really want is the comfort that comes with peace of mind. This is closely followed by the need for closure when a person is able to consciously make a decision because they have been provided with enough information to make sense of things.
There are two ways to get peace of mind when investigating a suspected cheating spouse. In some
cases, the evidence can be physically presented and clearly documented to allow a client to make a
decision and move on with their life. There are other cases, however, where the evidence is ambiguous and requires surveillance investigations to make things clear. Paranoia can also affect judgement where a client may insist that they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that their partner is not being faithful and that what they are seeing is real. In these cases, we realize that what they are really reaching out to us for is peace of mind to end their misery and provide the closure they need.
True Story
Two (2) years of confusion and pain was ended for one client with only four (4) weeks of investigation. Following the reveal, she later called to report that she can now sleep and drive to work in peace. She no longer faces anxiety while around the wheel because the person she suspected to be having an affair with her husband drove the same make and colour vehicle as her spouse. After intensive investigations backed by surveillance, her husband was found to be innocent on all accounts except for a naughty little gambling habit he developed. Though he tried to hide it, his gambling days are over thanks to the expert skills of the team at Valiant Private Investigators.
Staging your own stakeouts may not be such a good idea and this client would agree that you will soon grow frustrated, as she did, after failing to find enough evidence, leaving her in misery. Don’t make the same mistake, call Valiant Private Investigators today to get the peace of mind you need because “we solve what others can’t.”
What do you call it?
Infidelity, Adultery or Cheating?
WoW…this is an Eye-opener….will definitely recommend you to others…. Keep up the good job